3 Natural Ways To Treat Colds

Apothecaries are similar to pharmacists, except that they often look for natural remedies to treat illnesses. If you are suffering from a bad cold, you could visit a local apothecary to learn ways to fight the cold and feel better. An apothecary is likely to recommend natural herbs for this, and here are some of the natural methods he or she might suggest trying.

Natural Herbs and Vitamins

While there are many types of natural herbs recommended for treating the common cold or flu, here are a few that an apothecary might suggest using:

  • Thyme – You can use dried thyme or oil made from thyme to try to help with your cold symptoms. To do this, you could make a cut of hot tea by placing two or three teaspoons of thyme into hot water. You can also bathe with thyme, which will help you breathe in the fumes it creates. This can clear your nose and bring relief to your throat.
  • Ginseng root – This is another natural herb that is used for numerous reasons. Apothecaries believe that ginseng boosts the immune system, which is helpful when fighting colds, and this can decrease the length of time you experience cold symptoms. The easiest way to take ginseng is by purchasing it in the form of a supplement.
  • Vitamin C – This important vitamin is an antioxidant and helps keep the immune system healthy and strong. Taking Vitamin C daily (even when you do not have a cold) is the best way to take this vitamin if you want to experience good results from it.

In addition to vitamins and herbs, your apothecary may also suggest trying essential oils.

Essential Oils

Essential oils are used for a variety of purposes, including medicinal purposes. Many apothecaries recommend essential oils for treating many types of illnesses, including colds and flu. While there are dozens of essential oils that can be helpful for colds, here are some that you may want to try:

  • Peppermint – Because this oil is very strong, you should dilute it before using it. Peppermint oil can help you breathe easier if you rub a few drops on your chest, but you can also place it in a diffuser or humidifier to reap the effects it offers. Peppermint oil serves as both an expectorant and a decongestant.
  • Oregano – Consuming a few drops of oregano oil may also help you fight your cold. Oregano kills many types of viruses and bacteria and using it may help decrease the symptoms you have.
  • Eucalyptus – Using eucalyptus oil is another option. This type of oil soothes respiratory issues and serves as a decongestant. You can breathe it in by placing a few drops on your pillow when you sleep, or you can add a few drops to a hot bath.

Essential oils are completely natural and safe when used properly.

Nose Bath

The third method an apothecary might suggest is giving your bath a nose. This is something you can do by making an irrigation system for your nose, or by purchasing a neti pot. If you make this yourself, you will need:

  1. A bulb syringe
  2. Salt
  3. Baking soda
  4. Warm water

In a small bowl, mix 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in a small glass of warm water. Using the syringe, squirt the mixture into one of your nostrils while holding the other one shut. As you do this, it will drain from your nose and you can repeat with the other nostril.

Finding natural ways to treat colds and other illnesses is a great way to find relief without taking medicine. To learn more about this, talk to an apothecary from a site like http://www.pottershouserx.com in your town.
