Understanding Some Of The More Surprising Symptoms Of Child Asthma

If you have a school-aged son or daughter, then you like pay close attention to the health of your child. As you notice each cough and sniffle, you may not realize that some of the symptoms may be pointing to your son or daughter developing asthma. Asthma is a serious disease that requires attention and management with the help of a pediatrician. If you want to know about some of the more surprising symptoms of asthma, keep reading. 

Dry Cough At Night

If you notice your child coughing, then you may look for signs that the cough is producing mucus. This is called a productive cough and it is a fairly basic sign that your child has a cold or flu virus. If the cough is non-productive and you hear no mucus in the lungs, then this is called a dry cough. When the cough is associated with an asthma or allergy condition it is labeled as cough-variant asthma. The cough is often a chronic one that has lasted about two months or more.

Cough-variant asthma does not produce any of the typical general asthma symptoms. However, the issue does sometimes accompany a traditional allergy problem. Specifically, you may notice your son or daughter wheezing during the day but showing signs of a dry cough at night. Also, the coughing may be triggered by exercise, so you may notice the symptom after a sporting event. Cough-variant asthma is also something that occurs in the evening because it may be triggered by allergens. Dust mites are a common allergen and the mites often live in mattresses, pillows, and bedding. 

Cough-variant asthma is hard to diagnose, but it can be one of many different symptoms and factors that are used to diagnose your child with an overall asthma problem. If the problem causes sleeping issues in the evening, then an albuterol inhaler can be prescribed by the pediatrician to stop the coughing fits. 

Workout Or Exercise Fatigue

If your child is an avid runner or enjoys sports like soccer or hockey, then you may be surprised when your child feels more tired than usual when engaging in the sports activities. Typically, children who build stamina and lung capacity when they engage in sports activities. In fact, research suggests that athletes have an increased level of lung function based on a variety of parameters, including vital capacity. In other words, the cardiopulmonary system works much more efficiently if you are an athlete.

Good lung function means that your child should be breathing properly and be able to provide the body with an ample supply of oxygen. If the oxygen is not supplied like it should be, then your son or daughter will become quite tired. This is due to the way the airways become swollen and blocked in the lungs. The swollen tissues prevent the oxygen from being absorbed by the hemoglobin in the arteries that sit in the lung tissues.

If your child develops exercise fatigue, then they may become tired after only about 10 to 15 minutes of exercise. You are likely to notice some breathing troubles as well as some wheezing. In cases where asthma is more serious and lung swelling is more pronounced, you may see a bit of a blue tint to the skin directly after they exert energy. 

If you notice your child having trouble with sports activities, then speak with your pediatrician about performing a spirometry test where lung capacity and the volume of exhaled air can be tested and gauged. Typically, the test will involve the administration of albuterol as well to see if an inhaler works to increase lung function. 

Your child may need to stop sporting activities for some time until the asthma condition is controlled. They also may need to involve themselves in less strenuous sports like baseball, gymnastics, biking, skiing, and swimming. 

Have a peek here to learn more about meeting with a pediatrician about your child's breathing issues.
