Understanding Why Sunglasses Are Important For Eye Health

If you are serious about your eye health, then you should know that sunglasses are a great accessory to make sure that your vision remains as stable as possible for years to come. In fact, sunglasses can help to prevent certain illnesses that can cause significant deterioration. Keep reading to learn about some of the diseases that can be prevented by sunglasses and also how to choose the right accessory for your health. 

Diseases Prevented By Sunglasses

Generally speaking, sunglasses help to prevent your eyes from being exposed to ultraviolet rays. And, the UV rays are what cause damage to the eyes. This damage can lead to eye cancer, as the sun causes damage to the DNA in the eyes much as it does to the skin. And, cancerous conditions will often lead to either partial or full blindness.

Cataracts are also something you may experience due to sun damage since the sun will cause deterioration of the lens. Deterioration leads to the formation of deposits within and on the lens, and vision becomes quite blurry as a result. 

When the retina is exposed to UV rays, then macular degeneration is a possibility. And, like cancerous conditions, this can lead to blindness over time. 

Glaucoma may be noted due to the way that the sun causes cellular damage. Specifically, damage to some of the tissues can cause inflammation that keeps the fluid in the eye from draining properly, which causes pressure to build up. 

Even abnormal tissue growth can occur when the eyes are exposed to too much sun, and this forces the curvature of the eye to change in a way that causes vision problems like astigmatism to develop.

Choosing Sunglasses To Prevent Damage

If you want to minimize sun damage to the eyes, then you want to choose your sunglasses wisely to ensure your eyes are protected. You want to opt for the sunglasses that offer the most UVA and UVB protection with either 99% or 100% blocking ability. And, the darker the lenses, the better the sunglasses will be at protecting your eyes. 

The glasses themselves should also be shaped in a way that they cover the eyes as completely as possible. So, you want to opt for the more oblong or oval shaped lenses instead of the smaller round or heart-shaped ones. And, if the lens curves or extend around the sides of the eyes a bit, then this can offer better protection.

If you want to know more about sunglasses and how they can assist with eye health, speak with a physician. 
