Symptoms Of Carpal Tunnel That Indicate A Need For Orthopedic Treatment

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common occurrence with repetitive motion. Whether you work a desk job on the computer or an industrial position in assembly or manufacturing, carpal tunnel is a serious condition. It is important for you to recognize the indications that your carpal tunnel syndrome needs the attention of an orthopedic specialist. Here are a few of the common indications to watch for.

Symptoms of the Thumb and Forefinger

Your thumb and forefinger will exhibit some of the more concerning symptoms of your carpal tunnel syndrome. If you notice any tingling or numbness in those fingers, or if you are unable to bring your thumb and forefinger together, those are key indications that you need to see an orthopedic specialist for your carpal tunnel syndrome. Weakness in your thumb, forefinger, and hand also indicates serious concerns with your condition.

Widespread Symptoms in Your Hand

Another common indication that your carpal tunnel syndrome needs treatment from an orthopedic specialist is prolonged tingling, numbness, or pain throughout your hand that lasts for more than a few days. Persistence for a week or more is cause for concern and warrants a call to an orthopedic specialist.

You might also notice difficulty with grip, including not only reduced grip strength but also occasional difficulty holding things in your hand. This can be problematic because it can disrupt your ability to complete routine tasks, including not only doing your job but also maintaining your home and practicing hobbies.

General Loss of Feeling

When you notice any general loss of feeling in your shoulder, arm, or hand, and you have any reason to suspect that you have carpal tunnel syndrome, it's important that you reach out to an orthopedist right away.

Limited Range of Motion

Carpal tunnel syndrome causes pain and discomfort when you extend your hands or twist your arms in specific positions. As a result, the progression of the condition often limits your range of motion to only those movements that are done without pain. When you experience restrictions in your range of motion, that's an indication that your condition has progressed and needs attention as soon as possible.

These are some of the most common symptoms that indicate the need for an orthopedic specialist to address carpal tunnel. If you notice any of these symptoms or you are struggling with the normal use of your hands and fingers, you should reach out to an orthopedic specialist as soon as possible.

For more information on orthopedic care, contact a professional near you.
