Understanding High-Risk Pregnancy And The Benefits Of Pregnancy Counseling
A high-risk pregnancy isn't something to take lightly, and many obstetricians have pregnancy consulting appointments to help women who are facing the potential of a high risk pregnancy. This provides an opportunity to review the risks and develop a solid plan for addressing those issues. If you're thinking about becoming pregnant and you want to address any chances of a high-risk pregnancy right away, you can request a consult with your obstetrician. Here are some of the things that can increase your chances of a high-risk pregnancy as well as some tips to help you deal with them.
High-Risk Pregnancy Risk Factors
There are many things that can increase your chances of a high-risk pregnancy. Some may be apparent before you conceive while others arise during your pregnancy. Here are a few of the things that you should discuss with your obstetrician.
Age - Women who are over the age of 35 are typically considered high-risk when they get pregnant. This is known as advanced maternal age, and it can lead to higher risk of certain birth defects and some other complications.
Lifestyle - Women who smoke, drink alcohol or utilize any drugs during pregnancy are also considered high-risk. These things can increase the risk of serious birth defects and may even cause labor complications and problems for the newborn.
Medical History - Women who have a history of pregnancies with low birth weights, preterm birth and past caesarian section deliveries are often classified as high risk with subsequent pregnancies. The same applies with certain medical conditions, including thyroid disease, hypertension and diabetes.
Pregnancy Complications - Sometimes, your high-risk pregnancy determination doesn't come until you're already pregnant. In those cases, you may still have a consultation, but it will be to discuss the situation that's just occurred. Women with uterine, placental or cervical problems during pregnancy are often considered high risk, as can be those with the Rh factor. If you're Rh negative, it can put you at increased miscarriage risk if your partner is Rh positive. Your blood type will tell you if you have the Rh factor. If your blood type is negative, that means you are Rh negative, or have the Rh factor.
Mitigating Some of the Risks
If you've been found to have a high-risk pregnancy, that initial consultation is important, as is seeking prenatal care immediately when you find out that you're pregnant. If you know that you're at risk for a high-risk pregnancy, you should call and schedule a preconception consultation as soon as possible.
Start a prenatal vitamin as soon as possible, even before you get pregnant. You may also want to start a complete workout regimen. The healthier your body is, the easier it will be for you to have a healthy, safe pregnancy. During these consultations, your provider may also talk to you about some warning signs to watch out for. Depending on your situation and the specific complications your care provider is worried about, you may be told to watch for several things.
- Persistent or recurring headaches
- Abdominal pain and cramping
- Contractions occurring frequently or regularly before you reach full-term
- Noticeable decrease in the baby's movement despite stimulation attempts
- Changes in your vision
High-risk pregnancy is not necessarily a guarantee of problems, but it does require attention and care. With the tips here, a quality care staff and advanced preparation, you can have a better chance of a successful, healthy and happy pregnancy no matter what complications you're facing. Talk with a local midwife or obstetrician today and consider scheduling a pregnancy consultation to talk about any concerns you may have. The medical and emotional counseling provided during these appointments can be highly beneficial for your well-being. Contact a company like All Women's Clinic for more information.