3 Vaccines To Get Before Your Trip To Egypt
Egypt is home to the Great Pyramids of Giza, the Great Sphinx, the Valley of the Kings, and other exciting tourist destinations, but unfortunately it's also home to some unpleasant, yet vaccine-preventable diseases. To avoid becoming seriously ill while you're exploring the wonders of Egypt, you need to get vaccinated before your trip. Here are three vaccines that you need before you go to Egypt.
Tetanus is a disease that causes severe muscle spasms, convulsions, and even death. You can get tetanus if Clostridium tetani, a type of bacteria that's found in the soil, gets inside a cut or wound.
The tetanus vaccine is part of the standard childhood immunizations given in the United States, but it only provides protection for ten years. More than four-fifths of adults haven't received their required booster shots, and if you're one of them, you're at risk of tetanus.
If your booster has expired, you can get the vaccine immediately after an injury to protect yourself, but if you get hurt on holiday, it may be hard to find a doctor. It's much easier to just get the vaccine from your regular doctor before you leave and not have to worry about it on your trip. One shot is all that's required, and then you'll be protected for another ten years.
Cholera is a bacterial disease that affects your small intestine. Severe diarrhea is the main symptom of cholera; this diarrhea quickly leads to dehydration and is fatal for more than half of untreated patients.
Generally, you get cholera when you consume something (food or drink) that's contaminated with Vibro cholerae. Shellfish and fish are the main culprits, especially if they're raw or undercooked, but any food or drink can be contaminated.
The cholera vaccine is given orally in two doses, one to six weeks apart. You need to get the last dose at least a week before you leave for your trip to ensure you're protected. Studies have shown that it's 86% effective.
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B is a viral disease of the liver. You can get Hepatitis B if you come into contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person. It's not necessary to partake in high-risk activities for this to happen. For example, if you get hurt on your trip and need to be hospitalized, you could contract Hepatitis B from unsterilized medical equipment or other contaminated materials.
The symptoms of Hepatitis B may be mild or flu-like, however, the disease can become chronic and lead to serious problems like cirrhosis or liver cancer. To avoid this, see your doctor to be vaccinated. You need three vaccines to be protected, and the third dose is given six months after the first, so start the process long before your trip.
If you're planning a trip to Egypt, make sure to get all your required vaccines before you go. Contact a center like The Pediatric Center to learn more.