Parenting Tips For Working Moms: Seven Ways To Strengthen The Parent-Child Bond

Although it may seem ideal, being a stay-at-home mom may not be a practical solution for many. The good news is, you don't need to be home 24/7 to be pro-active in your child's life. You can balance parenting with a career and produce a loving relationship with your kids. Here are seven ways a working mom can enhance her relationship with her children: 1. Organize Family Time Place a dry-erase board on the wall and use it to organize weekly activities dedicated to family time. Read More 

3 Natural Ways To Treat Colds

Apothecaries are similar to pharmacists, except that they often look for natural remedies to treat illnesses. If you are suffering from a bad cold, you could visit a local apothecary to learn ways to fight the cold and feel better. An apothecary is likely to recommend natural herbs for this, and here are some of the natural methods he or she might suggest trying. Natural Herbs and Vitamins While there are many types of natural herbs recommended for treating the common cold or flu, here are a few that an apothecary might suggest using: Read More 

3 Things To Know About Postpartum Depression

According to Postpartum Progress, approximately 20% of women suffer from postpartum depression after having a baby. If you are currently pregnant, this is something you may want to discuss with your obstetrician. Learning about postpartum depression is a great way to prepare yourself for the possibility of getting it, and here are three things you should know about this common condition. What Is It? After having a child, many women will begin feeling sad and depressed. Read More 

All About Moles

Moles, scientifically known as melanocytic naevi, are small spots on the skin that mostly have a brownish color, although they can also appear as blue or black. Moles are made up of cells called melanocytes, which are the cells that are responsible for your skin color. Moles can occur anywhere on the skin, and most people have only a few of them; usually not more than 40. How Moles Occur Read More 

The Whites Of Your Eyes: Understanding Ocular Albinism

Albinism is a genetic condition that is extremely rare. It affects normal pigmentation in the skin, hair, and eyes. However, it can be more difficult to spot an albino than you might think. For many people, albinism only affects the eyes, leaving the skin and hair with normal levels of pigment. In this case, it is referred to as ocular albinism. Discover more here. How does ocular albinism affect vision? Read More